Friday, May 16, 2014

Gallery Introduction

Gallery Introduction

The AA Gallery

Located virtually on the internet

Here at the AA Gallery we show abstract works of art from 1911 to 2013.

Abstract art is a painting or sculpture that depicts something using colors and basic shapes, therefore; the subject is based upon what the viewer sees.

The artists in this gallery range greatly in age, gender, and of course their works of art.


Exhibit Introduction

Exhibit Introduction

Artists in exhibit:

 Laurie Pace
1982- present

 Wassily Kandinsky

  Albert Gleizes

Burgoyne Diller

Mark Rothko

Jackson Pollock

Dame Barbara

Bruce Grey
1936- present

Carl Holty


Laurie Pace

Laurie Pace

 Laurie Pace was born in 1982 and is still alive today.
Her most common subject is horses.
Her paintings are always alive with movement.
The below picture is called Flying High Ponies.
Flying High Ponies is an oil painting made in 2010 with dimensions of 
12in by 9in.

Albert Gleizes

 Albert Gleizes

Albert Gleizes was an artist from France.
He was born December 8, 1881 and died June 23, 1953 at the age of 71.
He also wrote theoretical writings.
The painting below is called Portrait De Jacques Nayral.
The Portrait De Jacques is a large oil painting created in 1911.its dimensions are  
161.9 cm by 114 cm.

Wassily Kandinsky

Wassily Kandinsky

Wassily Kandinsky is a Russian born painter.
He was born in 1866 and died in 1944.
He was credited with creating the first purely abstract works of art.
The below picture is called Landscape with Two Polars.

Landscape with Two Polars is a painting created in 1912 with dimensions 78.8 cm
by 100.4 cm

Burgoyne Diller

Burgoyne Diller

Burgoyne Diller was an American painter.
He was born in 1906 and died in 1965.
Many of his painting contain geometric forms.
The below picture is called Three Men With Hats in the City Streets.
Three Men with Hats in a City Street is a painting made in 1932 with the dimensions 
25.9 cm by 30.7cm.

Mark Rothko

Mark Rothko

Mark Rothko was born in 1903 and died in 1970.
He was of Russian-Jewish decent.
His father was a pharmasist.
The picture below is called Number 8
Number 8 is a painting on canvas that was made in 2001 with the dimensions 71 in by 95 in.

Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock was a painter who was born in 1912 and died in 1956.
He was born in Wyoming.
He was the youngest of 5 sons.
The below picture is called Number 8. 
Number 8 is a is a paining on canvas created in 1950 with the dimentions 28 in by 29 in.

Dame Barbara Hempworth

Dame Barbara Hempworth

 Dame Barbara Hepworth was born in 1903 and died in 1973.
She was the oldest child in her family.
Her father was a civil engineer.
  The picture below is called Oval sculpture number 2.
Oval sculpture number 2 is a sculpture made of plaster and wood. It was created in 1943 with dimensions 293mm by 400mm by255mm.

Bruce Grey

Bruce Grey 

Bruce Grey was born in1956 and is still alive today. 
He attended the University of Massachusetts.  
He graduated high school in 1973.
He was in the coast guard.

The picture below is called Raindrops number 4.
Raindrops number 4 is a painting on canvas made in 2001 with the dimentions of 71 by 95 1/2. 

Carl Holty

Carl Holty

Carl Holty was born in Germany in 1900 he later died in American in 1973.
He was raised in Wisconsin.
 He was introduced to art by his grandfather who took him to a gallery when he was a young 
The following painting is called Gridiron.
 Gridiron is an oil painting on fiberboard that was made in the 1940's with the dimentions 48in by 36in.



Banksy is a graffiti artist but very little is known about him due to the fact that he partakes in  illegal activity. 
The piece of art work below is an abstract collage created by Banksy.
This art work is on canvas and made of spray paint and stencils. This collage was made in 2013
with the dimensions of 16in by 24in.



Throughout organizing this exhibit I learned a lot of important skills I will definitely be able to apply to the rest of my schooling. Such as being able to be flexible with anything I'm doing. Originally I planned for this blog to be in video form. Unfortunately after I finished all the videos I realized that when I tried to upload the videos there was some sort of error I didn't know how to fix so I was then forced to re-imagine my ideas of what I wanted this blog to be. I also learned it's very important to use credible sources because on the less known artists there is tons of discrepancies between different websites. 

The Different artists I included into this exhibit definitely posed a challenge. I found it difficult to keep all the pictures and the names of the different artists together so I often found myself putting a certain art work with the wrong artist. Finding the works of art was really easy for me I found it really fun and interesting because of all the art I picked looks very different but they are all still considered to be abstract.

The job of a curator is very difficult because being organized is very important but I can see how fun it can be by looking at all the art work and artists I included.

The common theme I picked was abstract art because I love being able to look at something and see something completely different that the person next to me. Relating all the same art work back to this theme wasn't very difficult at all because I took four art classes in high school so finding the different types of abstract art came naturally.